Category Archives: General

The Sound of Music | Munich
29.03. – 06.04.2015 Der Broadway-Erfolg über die Trapp-Familie Salzburger Landestheater mit dem Orchester des Staatstheaters am Gärtnerplatz und Studierenden sowie Absolventen der Bayerischen Theaterakademie August Everding. Frances Pappas als “Mutter Oberin” – Gastspielserie im Prinzregententheater. Besetzung: Milica Jovanovic, Maria Rainer Uwe Kröger, Kapitän von Trapp Frances Pappas, Mutter Oberin Franziska Becker, Elsa Schrader Hanna Kastner, […]

Eugen Onegin | Staatsoper Stuttgart
Frances Pappas will perform at the Staatsoper Stuttgart on the following dates as Larina in Eugen Onegin: 04.04.2014, 19:00 h 16.05.2014, 19:30 h and 21.05.2014 19:30 h Tickets are available here
Categories: General, Opera • Tags: Salzburg, Stuttgart, Tchaikowsy

lagrimosa beltà | Zagreb
Lagrimosa Beltà will perform in Zagreb on November 26th 2013. Details.
Categories: General, lagrimosa beltà • Tags: lagrimosa beltà, Zagreb

Wuppinger and Pappas on stage | Nürnberg
After the successful concert in June 2013, Frances Pappas and Frank Wuppinger and his L’ Orchestre Europa got invited to the NueJazz Festival 2013. Details here.
Categories: General • Tags: Frank Wuppinger, Jazz, Nürnberg

Wuppinger & Pappas | Nürnberg
A project that was long time in mind will finally be realized: a joint concert with mezzo-soprano Frances Pappas and Frank Wuppinger & L’Orchestre Europa on June 28th at 20:00 h. Frances will sing songs from her Greek,- Balkan- and Turkish folk repertoire and of course some of the “most favorite” L’Orchestre Europa songs. The venue is the […]
Categories: General • Tags: Frank Wuppinger, Jazz, Nürnberg